Timeline of Ancient Civilizations

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at makingschooleasier@gmail.com  

1200-400 B.C.E. Olmec Civilization in Mesoamerica :
The Olmecs built large religious stone emblems of their gods and rulers that were nine feet tall and had a weight of over 40 tons
900-250 B.C.E. Chavin Civilization in Peru :
The people of Chavin held religious beliefs due to many artifacts relating to religious ceremonies that have been excavated
500 B.C.E Gold Metallurgy in Chavin :
The Chavin Civilization demonstrated advanced skills in metallurgy which helped develop refined gold work
100 B.C.E Teotihuacan founded :
Teotihuacan is an enormous archaeological site in the Basin of México, containing some of the largest pyramidal structures built in the pre-Colombian Americas
250-900 C.E. Classic period of Mayan civilization :
The Mayans were a group of people who made advancements in math and astronomy, which they used to create an accurate calendar

1000 B.C.E. Iron metallurgy :
Development in studies of the metal iron and its alloys
800-500 B.C.E Archaic Period in Greece :
Time when the Greeks and Phoenicians united their ideas
700 B.C.E Hoplite Warfare :
Hoplites were heavily armed infantry soldiers of the Greek who had spears and fought in a phalanx formation
507 B.C.E. Roman Republic
A period when the Ancient Roman civilization’s government was characterized as a Republican form
477-404 B.C.E Athenian Empire and Democracy :
Period of time when the Athenian political system advanced to a democratic form
399 B.C.E Trial and Death of Socrates :
Socrates was a Greek philosopher who was put to death for questioning the power of the political systems
264-201 B.C.E Rome defeats Carthage :
Rome defeats Carthage after the Three Punic Wars
200 B.C.E – 30 C.E. Rome absorbs Hellenistic eastern Mediterranean :
The Hellenistic Age was the conquest of Alexander the Great who spread Hellenism, which in time Rome absorbed
31 B.C.E – 14 C.E. Augustus establishes Principate :
Principate was the first period of the Roman Empire, extending from the reign of Caesar Augustus to the Crisis of the Third Century
45-58 C.E. Paul spreads Christianity :
St. Paul preaches in many places to help spread Christianity such as Syria and Cyprus
212 C.E. Caracalla grants Roman citizenship to all free Males :
Caracalla was an emperor of the Roman empire from 209-217 C.E.
284-305 C.E. Reign of Roman emperor Diocletian :
Diocletian was an emperor who had many reforms
324 C.E. Constantinople founded
Constantinople was the imperial capital of the Roman Empire, the Latin Empire, and the Roman Empire
476 C.E. Fall of Roman Empire in West :
When Honorius was reigning, full of invasions that lead to the fall of the Roman empire in the West

814 B.C.E Carthage Founded :
Carthage was a series of cities on the Gulf of Tunis
800 B.C.E. Rise of Nubian kingdom at Napata :
Nubia is a region along the Nile, which divided between southern Egypt and northern Sudan
712-660 B.C.E Nubian domination of Egypt :
King Shabaka’s Golden Age where he added many things to Egyptian temples
500 B.C.E. – 1000C.E. Bantu Migrations :
A millennium long migration when the Bantu people expanded all around Africa
465 B.C.E Hanno of Carthage explores west African coast :
Hanno was a Carthaginian explorer who sailed from Gibraltar to parts around Africa
400 B.C.E.-300 C.E. Kingdom of Meroe in Nubia :
Meroe was an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile about 6km. northeast of Kabushiya station
323-30 B.C.E. Ptolemies rule Hellenistic kingdom in Egypt :
The Ptolemies were the final dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, and their progenitor was a Greek was a Greek by birth
30 B.C.E. Rome conquers Egypt :
When Octavian defeated his rival Mark Antony, deposed his lover Queen Cleopatra VII and annexed the Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt to the Roman Empire
Ca. 100 C.E. Bananas and yams reach Africa from SE Asia :
Time when bananas and yams were traded to Africa to South East Asia
Ca. 300 C.E. Camel use spreads in Southern Sahara :
Time where camels became more popular in southern Sahara and were used as transportation
Ca. 330 C.E. First Christian bishop in Ethiopia :
Frumentius was the first bishop in Ethiopia who came from Syria

Middle East

1000 B.C.E David establishes Jerusalem as Capital of Israel :
King David of Israel established Jerusalem as capital for being one of the holiest cities
911-612 B.C.E Neo-Assyrian Empire :
A period of Mesopotamian history where Assyria assumed a position as the most powerful nation on earth
701 B.C.E. Assyrian attack on Phoenician Tyre :
One of the many places Assyria attacked such as Syria, Medes, and Babylon
587 B.C.E. Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem :
When Babylonia desolated Jerusalem after a long siege
522-486 B.C.E Darius I rules Persian Empire
The third emperor of the Persian Empire who held the empire at its peak
334-323 Alexander of Macedonia conquers western Asia :
Alexander was known as the Macedonian conqueror of the ancient world for conquering the entire civilized world of his time
301-64 B.C.E Seleucid kingdom in Western Asia :
Created out of the eastern conquests of Alexander the Great
248 B.C.E-226 C.E. Kingdom of Parthia in Iran :
Region of northeastern Iran, best known for having been the political and cultural base of the Arsacid dynasty, rulers of the Parthian Empire
30 C.E. Crucifixion of Jesus :
Time when Jesus was crucified on a giant cross
66-73 C.E. Jewish Revolt crushed by Rome :
When Vespasian was sent from Rome to stop the revolt
226-650 C.E. Sasanid Empire in Iraq and Iran :
The last pre-Islamic Persian Empire rules by the Sasanian Dynasty
276 C.E. Prophet Mani martyred :
He was flayed alive under the order of the famous Zoroastrian High Priest Kirder

Asia and Oceania

1027-221 Zhou Kingdom in China :
The longest lasting dynasty in China and formed the Mandate of Heaven
1000 B.C.E. Aryans settle Ganges Plain :
Area where the Aryans settled
600 B.C.E. Iron Metallurgy in China :
Discovery in China of Iron and the ways to use it
563-483 B.C.E. Life of the Buddha :
Buddha was a young prince given the name Siddhartha who turned to the life of poverty and cast away material things to reach enlightment or Nirvana
551-479 B.C.E. Life of Confucius :
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who had many morals and sayings called “The Analects” which were mainly revolving around filial piety
324-184 B.C.E. Mauryan Empire in India :
A geographically extensive and powerful empire in India
221 B.C.E. Qin Empire unites Eastern China :
Emperor Qin was the king of the Chinese State of Qin who unified China
206 B.C.E – 220 C.E.Han Empire in China :
The second imperial dynasty of China and succeeded by the 3 kingdoms
128 B.C.E. Chinese General Zhang Jian explores Silk Road :
The Silk Road was both a network of land and sea routes
Ca. 50 C.E. Funan establishes first Empire in Southeast Asia :
An Ancient pre-Angkor located around the Mekong Delta
Ca. 100 C.E. Stirrup developed in Afghanistan :
Afghanistan developed support consisting of metal loops into riders feet go in
200-400 C.E. Rice introduced to Japan from Korea :
Time when rice became popular in Korea as well as Japan
320-550 C.E. Gupta Empire in India :
Ancient Indian empire founded by Maharaja Srigupta which was an example of a classical civilization. 

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at makingschooleasier@gmail.com  

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