If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at makingschooleasier@gmail.com U.S. Inflation, Unemployment, and Business Cycle 1 Inflation Cycles 1) Which of the following can start an inflation? A) an increase in aggregate demand B) an increase in aggregate supply C) a decrease in aggregate supply D) Both answers A and C are correct. Answer: D 2) Inflation can be started by A) a decrease in aggregate supply or a decrease in aggregate demand. B) a decrease in aggregate supply or an increase in aggregate demand. C) an increase in aggregate supply or an increase in aggregate demand. D) an increase in aggregate supply or a decrease in aggregate demand. Answer: B 3) Demand-pull inflation starts with A) an increase in aggregate demand. B) a decrease in aggregate demand. C) an increase in short-run aggregate supply. D) a decrease in short-run aggrega
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