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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at   Brave New World  by Aldous Huxley Adjective.    Pallid – feeble or insipid James is an utterly pallid and charmless character. Verb.     Obstruct – block ; be or get in the way of Throughout my Senate career I have consistently rejected efforts to obstruct.   Adjective.     Prominent – important/famous ; protuberant ; noticeable It is well-known that prominent figures have implied that James Richard is not an adored Senate. Verb.    Beget – bring into existence by the process of reproduction ; give rise to They hoped that the King might beget a heir by his new queen.   Noun.     Salinity – the relative proportion of salt in a solution A reduction in salinity levels in the river creates a fresher source of water.   Adjective.   Porous – not retentive or secure ; hav