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Showing posts with the label consumption

Booze and the Body

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at   1. Define: - Ethanol -  the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages - Fermentation- a chemical reaction of yeast on sugars - Intoxication- a physical and mental impairment resulting from the use of alcohol - Depressant- Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system - blood alcohol concentration- the amount of alcohol in a persons blood expressed as a percentage 2. Write 3 reason teens drink alcohol and 3 reasons teens abstain from alcohol Teens drink alcohol to: o escape pressures or problems o to deal with stress and relax o to fit in Teens might abstain from alcohol to o to avoid confrontation with the law o not make any mistake they might later regret o keep control of themselves 3. Explain in detail 6 short term affects of using alcohol Affects on the: Brain- ...