Crustal Deformation

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Question 1
Which term has nothing to do with true mountains?
Correct Answer: cratonic platform

Question 2
Which of the following conditions will tend to make rocks change by ductile deformation rather than by brittle deformation?
Correct Answer: slowly applied stress
Question 3
Pick out the true statement. The San Andreas Fault:
Correct Answer: is a right-lateral strike-slip fault.
Question 4
If you see small angular fragments of shattered rock along a linear boundary between two masses of rock, you must be looking at:
Correct Answer: fault breccia
Question 5
Faulting in the Basin and Range Province of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona:
Correct Answer: all of the above are true statements.
Question 6
Which of the following statements is false?
Correct Answer:Mountains continue to get higher as long as the rate of erosion equals the rate of uplift.
Question 7
Which of the following statements is false? Mountains:
Correct Answer: are randomly distributed over Earth's surface.
Question 8
Correct Answer: all of the above are true statements.
Question 9
Which of the following statements is false? This diagram shows:
Correct Answer: that dip-slip motion has occurred along the fault trace.
Question 10
Which of the following statements is false? The African Rift Valley:
Correct Answer: is produced by compressional stress.
Question 11
Mountains don't get infinitely high or exist forever because:
Correct Answer: all of the above are true statements.
Question 12
A shield:
Correct Answer:all of the above are true statements.
Question 13
You're looking at a fault trace in the field. You observe a polished surface, with linear grooves on it, and fine powder along it. In more technical terms, what are you seeing?Correct Answer: slickensides, slip lineations, and fault gouge
Question 14
Identify the false statement:
Correct Answer:If you walk from the outer edge of a dome in toward its center, you cross progressively younger rock layers.

Question 15
Identify the false statement. Brittle deformation:
Correct Answer:produces folds and faults.
Question 16
What type of fault does the diagram show?
Correct Answer: dip-slip fault, normal
Question 17
Identify the structure that makes this pattern of rock layers on the ground surface:  parallel stripes, showing bilateral symmetry across a mid-line (hinge), with rock getting older as you move outward from the hinge.
Correct Answer:syncline
Question 18
Which of the following statements is false?
Correct Answer: A thrust fault is a reverse fault with an extremely high dip (close to 90°).
Question 19
Tension produces shear strain.
Correct Answer: False
Question 20
A horizontal line on Earth's surface has a plunge of 90°.
Correct Answer: False
Question 21
Joints may get filled with quartz or calcite from groundwater and are then called joint sets.
Correct Answer : False
Question 22
Even today geologists can only theorize about shifting continents and uplifting mountains                  there's no way they can detect such small annual movement.
Correct Answer: False
Question 23
Faulting in a thrust-fault system shortens the crust, since slivers of Earth get pushed over each other like overlapping shingles.
Correct Answer: True

Question 24
A clinometer is an instrument used to detect gravity anomalies caused by mountain ranges.
Correct Answer: False
Question 25
Typical continental crust is 35-40 km thick under mountains it is thinner, only 15-20 km thick.
Correct Answer: False
Question 26
When the buoyancy force pushing up on lithosphere equals the gravitational force pulling down on it, the situation is said to show isostatic equilibrium.
Correct Answer: True

Question 27
An asymmetric ridge formed along a tilted rock layer is called a craton.
Correct Answer:False
Question 28
Exhumation exposes metamorphosed rocks and plutons that once were deep inside mountains.
Correct Answer: True
Question 29
The Himalayas, Alps, and Appalachian Mountains are all examples of convergent boundary mountains.
Correct Answer: False

Question 30
Stress is the change in shape produced by strain.
Correct Answer:False

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