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Vocabulary From Some Book

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1. exulting-To be extremely happy or joyful about something
2. disreputable-Not reputable
3. innocuous-Harmless
4. crepuscular-Animals that are active primarily during twilight
5. solemn-Serious
6. lorry-Truck
7. palliate-To reduce the intensity of something
8. roving-Moving about
9. disembodied-Someone separated from the body; somebody that cannot be seen in a way that might  be eerie or frightening
10. anecdotes-A short personal account of an incident or event
11. insidious-Slowly and subtly harmful or destructive
12. nostalgia-A mixed feeling of happiness, sadness, and longing when recalling a person, place, or event from the past, or the past in general.
13. docile-Quiet, easy to control, and unlikely to cause trouble
14. scoured- To clean something by scrubbing
15. exasperation-To irritate or to provoke to a high degree
16. reverberated-To echo back
17. querulously-Full of complaints
18. oblivious-Unconscious; unaware
19. implode-A reverse explosion containing matter and energy
20. valorous-Brave

1. harem-The part of the Muslim palace or house reserved for the women
2. contemporary-Belonging to the same time
3. absurdity-Something silly or irrational
4. illuminating-Informative, enlightening
5. convey-To make known
6. perceptive-Showing insight or understanding
7. approbation-Approval
8. overtones-Suggestions or hints
9. fundamental-Basic
10. connotations-An additional sense associated with or suggested by a word or phrase
11. sardonically- Disdainfully or cynically mocking
12. impediment-Something that hinders progress
13. passivity-The quality of being passive
14. machinations-The devising of secret, cunning, or complicated plans or schemes
15. abstractions-A general idea or term
16. skirmish-A brief fight or disagreement between people
17. imperative-Absolutely necessary or unavoidable
18. potent-Possessing great physical, political, or military strength and power
19. ostensible-Seeming to be true or genuine but open to doubt
20. sepulchral-Suggesting or possessing characteristics associated with the grave

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