Vocabulary From Some Book

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at makingschooleasier@gmail.com  

1. exulting-To be extremely happy or joyful about something
2. disreputable-Not reputable
3. innocuous-Harmless
4. crepuscular-Animals that are active primarily during twilight
5. solemn-Serious
6. lorry-Truck
7. palliate-To reduce the intensity of something
8. roving-Moving about
9. disembodied-Someone separated from the body; somebody that cannot be seen in a way that might  be eerie or frightening
10. anecdotes-A short personal account of an incident or event
11. insidious-Slowly and subtly harmful or destructive
12. nostalgia-A mixed feeling of happiness, sadness, and longing when recalling a person, place, or event from the past, or the past in general.
13. docile-Quiet, easy to control, and unlikely to cause trouble
14. scoured- To clean something by scrubbing
15. exasperation-To irritate or to provoke to a high degree
16. reverberated-To echo back
17. querulously-Full of complaints
18. oblivious-Unconscious; unaware
19. implode-A reverse explosion containing matter and energy
20. valorous-Brave

1. harem-The part of the Muslim palace or house reserved for the women
2. contemporary-Belonging to the same time
3. absurdity-Something silly or irrational
4. illuminating-Informative, enlightening
5. convey-To make known
6. perceptive-Showing insight or understanding
7. approbation-Approval
8. overtones-Suggestions or hints
9. fundamental-Basic
10. connotations-An additional sense associated with or suggested by a word or phrase
11. sardonically- Disdainfully or cynically mocking
12. impediment-Something that hinders progress
13. passivity-The quality of being passive
14. machinations-The devising of secret, cunning, or complicated plans or schemes
15. abstractions-A general idea or term
16. skirmish-A brief fight or disagreement between people
17. imperative-Absolutely necessary or unavoidable
18. potent-Possessing great physical, political, or military strength and power
19. ostensible-Seeming to be true or genuine but open to doubt
20. sepulchral-Suggesting or possessing characteristics associated with the grave

If you have any test reviews, homeworks, guides, anything school related that you think can be posted on this website, reach out to me at makingschooleasier@gmail.com  

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